A quiet and slightly strange scream was in the middle. Craven the Hunter It’s one of the weirdest movie moments I’ve ever encountered in 2024, and a lot of people need to see it.
Craven the Hunter It is Sony’s latest product. spiderman Released in movie theaters It is also one of the Biggest Box Office Bomb of 2024– It’s impressive in a year where there are movies like that. Terrible border Adaptation and at crow The remake that everyone has forgotten about– But because there are very few people in fact see Craven, One of the strangest 20 seconds of a 2024 movie, it largely went under the radar. I’m here to change that and bring this great scene to more people.
First of all, here’s a quick scene. that is a problem Some context: A man wearing a backpack is He is (or will become) a rhinoceros, and he is very angry after hearing bad news from one of his subordinates.
If you are like me You probably rewatched that moment at least a few times before jumping in and reading this sentence here. Seriously? what happened? I rely on this clip. While popping in here and writing this paragraph. I rewatched it about five more times.
Everything about it was absolutely terrifying. A dull scene Simple delivery A backpack that’s too small for that guy. And of course, the hissing screams. But mostly quiet and the awkward silence that followed
So what really happened here? Maybe this is just the way the actor wanted the character to scream at that moment? Maybe the director was like, “Weird little scream, OK!”
My personal theory, and what seems to be popular online, is this. This cobbled-together blockbuster that was dropped in December with little marketing may not have had many people paying close attention to it. Perhaps actors on set were told to pretend to scream. Making a slight squeak as he did so. Intending that they will ADR on shouting later. That protects his voice throughout a busy day. But then there was someone Uh…forgot to include the screams in post-production.
Whatever the reasoning or thinking behind it, the result is one of 2024’s weirdest movie moments that is sadly buried. Craven the HunterThe movie is so bland and bad that no one will care to watch it.
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