
19 awesome games from Day Of The Devs: Game Awards


Performance art games featured in the 2024 edition of Day of the Devs: Game Awards

pictureDay of the Gods / Kotaku

We used to only do Day of the Devs once a year during the summer. Now we’re getting an encore during the holidays as well, and this year’s Day of the Devs: Game Awards 2024 Edition didn’t disappoint either. Every now and then I think of a show that was so intensely curated, personal and intimate. Can’t be last.Somehow it still exists.


As the video game industry ping pongs from one big-budget, disastrous live-service sequel to the next, With seemingly less room for creativity, experimentation, and risk-taking, Day of the Devs reminds us that the magical and the strange can be It is created all around us as long as you know where to look. and the organization which started as a collaboration between DoubleFine and iam8bit before becoming a non-profit organization supported by donations.You know where to look.


This year’s event features 19 awesome games from every genre. It has a great visual style and comes from developers around the world. And I can’t wait to try them all, especially Tank HeadWhich looks like what you’d get if you set Shadow of the Colossus in the world of WALL-E


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