
Day 16 of the 2024 Space Telescope Advent Calendar: A new view of the distant spiral.



Day 16 of the 2024 Space Telescope Advent Calendar



A narrow view of the forward-facing spiral galaxy, anchored in the central region of a pale blue haze. It is surrounded by complex orange spiral arms.
NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, J. Lee, T. Williams, PANGS Team

Day 16 of the 2024 Space Telescope Advent Calendar: A new view of the distant spiral. Image from the James Space Telescope. This Webb shows the spiral galaxy NGC 628 in a new light. This galaxy, also known as Messier 74, is approximately 32 million light-years away and was first discovered. 2323 This galaxy was spotted earlier this year as part of the Physics at High Angular Resolution in Nearby Galaxies (PHANGS) project, a large-scale project that combines observations from space telescopes and ground of many galaxies To help researchers study all phases of the star formation cycle. New Webb images combining near- and mid-infrared light surveys have revealed intricate details never before seen in the filaments, arms and centers of many galaxies.

View the full Advent calendar here. A new photo will be revealed every day until December 25th.



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