Doctor Strange’s Portal, a skill that allows the sorcerer to create a path between two points on the map. It is one of the most useful abilities in Marvel competitors– Players use it to create game-changing plays, such as having teammates take shortcuts into the enemy’s backline. Or send enemies to death by placing a portal in front of their spawn point. Developer NetEase has reduced the power of the portal. Passed the first patch of the game.But with all the creative methods that players use. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see this capability get more refined in the coming months. Because now a streamer has probably discovered the most unconventional way I’ve ever seen it.
Streamer Boker which is known for Play games like Overwatch and Marvel competitorsA recent post was about how Doctor Strange’s portal ability allows him – when an enemy spawn room on the map has two exit points – to place the entrance and exit portals in front of either exit. This causes the player to circle endlessly and not be able to escape.
The script is hilarious and chaotic and a kind of strategy. Overwatch 2 Maybe patch the second fan that’s stuck. That’s the beauty of playing in between. Marvel competitors‘ In its early days, NetEase didn’t fix everything that some might consider “broken” or “toxic.”
Although I can see how this specific implementation is fixed in some way. But I still see some really creative uses of Doctor Strange’s portal. It is designed to play brain training games against enemy teams. Like this one where someone places Doctor Strange’s portal in front of the portal from the opposing team. Confusing them into entering the wrong way and leaving the map
Marvel competitors have Only received one large patch. Since its launch earlier this month And it’s mostly bug fixes. So we still don’t know how heavy-handed NetEase will balance it out. I will. Enjoy the chaos. As long as it lasts
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