Here’s how to find the safe in the “A Humble Beginning” mission in Arena Breakout: Infinite.
Some of the first missions in Arena Breakout: Infinite ask you to explore a farm map. This is so you can familiarize yourself with most of the mechanics and how to survive each attack. One of the first missions, “A Humble Beginning,” asks players to search and locate a safe in the stable’s hot zone, loot it, and bring back items worth 50,000 Koen or more.
safe place
You can find the safe at the Stables location on the farm map. It depends on where you spawn. Getting there can be difficult, plus the AI will constantly spawn around. Stable location The same goes for covert operations that the player controls. If you plan to do this mission Give priority to entry and exit first. Walking north along the wall is the safest option whether you’re entering from the west or east.
The stable is a large red building in the middle of the building. This is usually swarmed with AI enemies at the start of the round. We recommend bringing guns with silencers to avoid drawing too much attention from players. When you head to the stables Be sure to check all stable boxes for players or AI that might get stuck in the geometry. You’ll find a safe on the top floor next to a large open window. You can open the safe by interacting with it. But it will start counting down and making a very loud noise. Hold your position until the safe is opened and loot its contents. Capable of holding items worth up to 500,000 Koen, anything of great value or piles of money can fit in your secure container. So you can still keep it even if you die prematurely.
Now you just have to withdraw and the exit should be somewhere on the other side of the map. If you’ve looted enough Koen, you can use the Southern Blockade extraction point for paying 2000 Koen. That one is located in the southeast of. Farm by walking along the road under the ruined highway until you reach the convoy. Pay the fee and travel home.
And that’s how you’ll find safes in Arena Breakout: Infinite. For more information on the file extractor, Please read our other suggestions, such as how to fix performance issues. And what you need to know about treatment
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