The tortured Night Rose plans to ease her pain for you.
For Chapter 6, Fortnite has really gone further with the bosses, each offering a tough challenge along with some fun mechanics. The Night Rose Demon can be found in the Demon’s Dojo in the northeast corner of the map. And it’s a fun fight. As long as no one shows up and steals your thunder.
How to defeat the Night Rose Demon boss – Fortnite Episode 6 Season 1

The Night Rose Demon can be found in the largest building in the Demon Dojo as you enter. The battle will begin. So make sure you loot it first. You may be intimidated by her shade while you are exploring the area. But that’s nothing compared to what you’re about to deal with.
The battle starts with a Night Rose Demon that shoots you and uses melee attacks if you get close enough. An SMG or shotgun is suitable here. This is because they are quite sticky and tend to try to close the distance. Once she uses her melee attack, swipe left and you’ll be fine. If you find yourself taking a lot of damage Hide behind the decorative curtains. Then they’ll block some rounds while you heal or replenish your shield.
When you fall A large Oni mask took over. His eyes will start to turn red. And you have to shoot him there to damage him. He will laugh when shooting elsewhere. So aim for the eyes. Assault rifles are best suited for this. It deals heavy damage at a distance. The main focus here is being aware of the area-of-fire attacks he fires and dodging them. Like the three floating fire skulls he sends flying at you.
Gouge out both eyes It’s time to face Night Rose again, but she’s just as easy to deal with as the first time. Just kite her, light her up with shotguns and SMGs, and create space with fancy screens if you need them.
Defeat her and you’ll get her Oni Mask, which allows you to teleport, her Veiled Precision Mythic SMG, and her Medallion. Don’t forget to check out our fortnite page for more helpful tips.
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