
Indiana Jones and The Great Circle: Basic Melee Combat Guide



Indiana Jones is known for a few things. Hats. Whips. Archeology. But one thing he’s best known for is punching fascists. (Nazi or something else)


If you want to take your fighting game to the next level. Shows you’ve come to the right place. pull up a chair Because the class is now in session.

Basic fighting moves

Let’s review the basic controls on the mouse and keyboard. Including controlling PS5 and Xbox (keyboard/PS5/Xbox) together.

  • Right mouse / L2 / LT – Punch with left hand
  • Left mouse / R2 / RT – Punch with your right hand
  • V or Left Alt / L1 / LB (press and hold) – Raise your hand to block attacks.
  • V or Left Alt / L1 / LB (tap before the attack connects) – Parry attacks and give counter-attack opportunities.
  • F/R1/RB (tap) – Use your whip to attack/disarm opponents.
  • F/R1/RB (press and hold) – Grab enemies with your whip and drag them towards you.
  • Space + Move / X + Move / Square + Move – Dodge in the direction you are moving.
  • R / R3 / RS – Push enemies

You can catch weak enemies.

You can also press F/R1/RB when an enemy is at risk of grabbing them. Pressing Q/Triangle/Y will release, but you can push them (R/R3/RT) into the environment / enemies / off the ledge. Hit them with a punch. (Right Mouse/L2/LT Left Mouse/R2/RT ).


Temporarily use melee weapons

Indy will extend his hand when you are near objects. that he can grab and use as an improvised weapon.– Brooms, shovels, wrenches, bathroom brushes, and more.

Indy uses improvised weapons.


Picking up melee weapons increases the damage of your attacks. Melee weapons have a number of pips as shown in the bottom right corner of the screen. This is the durability of the item. After hitting as many pips as there are, the item will break, Indy will drop, and you’ll have to find a new one (don’t worry, they’re everywhere).

Indy uses improvised weapons.


You can also throw it, which is useful. Press Right Mouse/L2/LT to aim the weapon held Then press left mouse/R2/RT. to throw weapons

Pressing Square/X when you’re out of ammo will allow you to use your pistol as a melee weapon.– Destroying it means you’ll have to find a repair kit and use it on the revolver before you can use it again.


Indy pulls someone forward with a whip.

screenshotMachine Games / Kotaku

It matters where you hit enemies with your whip.Face (F/R1/RB) Attack enemies in sensitive areas to stun them with F/R1/RB. Grab their legs (Grab F/R1/RB) and pull them back to stumble. and opened to make attack easier

Now that you’ve gone to the School of Hard Knocks and Archaeology, go back out and punch the Nazis.


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