I think I’ll reach the point of cynicism when it comes. Kill the SpireThe roguelite format of You can’t just use a framework and replace cards with it. whatever– That’s stupid, except, no, I was wrong. It works every time. Even if that’s the case. Pachinko– (Eh, this means. bookworm It is an earlier version of Kill the SpireBut using spells instead of cards, right?) Anyway, the point is, it turns out that it still works as one of those boring claw machines. I can’t stop playing dungeon crawler–
The name is an unforgivably great pun. It refers to how you progress through fighting various enemies by grabbing weapons, shields, and other power-ups via claw machines. Each turn (normally) allows you to grab them twice. There are two items that can be retrieved for attack and defense during the enemy’s turn. Kill The Spire Then you choose the direction of the map. and enter the activity room Treasure points of the gacha machine Upgrade your store and many other battles
That’s the basics. But what makes dungeon crawler quite interesting Aside from the main mechanic being stuck. (Bloody pun) is that the game in Early Access is still going to other places. Many more related With many new twists and ideas, such as when there is water there is honey. If honey enters a large container, swords, throwing stars, golden shields, and poison daggers will stick together. Which is good for picking up multiple items. all at once But too bad if it’s too heavy for the claws and you don’t get anything. Then water (and other liquids) can fill the tank and dissolve the glue. but makes things Useful to float above. And also add weapons such as sponges and water guns. This is especially good if you poison the water in there…
buried treasure
buried treasure It’s a site that hunts down great unknown games that don’t get noticed elsewhere. You can support the project. Via Patreon–
The list of ideas goes on and on: there’s an enemy attack that imbues the tank’s contents with kinetic energy. Bounce around to help and hinder. While the nastiest enemies can litter your supplies with spikes and toxins that deplete your health when gathered together, some items are more powerful if collected alone. This makes you need more delicate claws. But a huge amount at once can be a winner. You can upgrade items. Make them stronger But they can also get bigger and harder to pick up. So you need to grab the ability that shrinks the item. You can transform items to have different material properties, for example a wooden sword can become metal and magnetized… And on and on, there are so many wonderful details. This allows you to adjust your plan based on what you can collect. It presents more complexity than a simple introductory guide.
All this thanks to excellent physics. They show justice. Objects that swing around and clatter in a way that makes sense. This means that you can have really good intuition. Where should the claw go? And when must the clamps be closed? And of course, why some things come out or slip away without Feel like you’ve been cheated.

Now, just a few weeks into Early Access. It feels incredibly perfect. However, there is still a lot of balancing to be done. There are all kinds of characters to play with. It has unique starting conditions, such as bonus shields in exchange for health. or water skills for losing other abilities, and they unlock quickly and support experimentation. But almost all They can hit the same brick wall as any enemy type. There is one enemy whose damage is doubled each turn. Therefore, if there is no particularly aggressive structure It’s pretty much over if you meet him too early. There’s little chance you’ll have a shield where you can handle it. That’s terrible. He’s not alone in terms of being too OP. Running too fast. which is disappointing
But I played again, and again, and again, unlike real-world claw machines, which are devices designed to make young children suffer. This is a much more rewarding experience, Talon. say Weak and unable to hold large piles of items do It swung so wildly that several items would fly away as it lurched towards the drop area, but it didn’t. fixedAnd have strong skills and luck in what you collect.
With a few tweaks it’s more difficult. It is difficult to be considered wrong. dungeon crawler– It imitates millions of previous games. But it is a combination of mechanisms that are unique. and Many interesting innovations in their own right made the game that I thought could be just “That idea but with a claw machine” (which sounds great to me!) is actually a much more mellow, relevant, and interesting game in its own right. It’s on my phone…)
This article originally appeared on buried treasure– A site dedicated to unearthing lesser-known indie games. You can support the project via Patian–
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