
Where to dance near Trophy Fish in Greasy Grove, Retail Row, Lonely Lodge – Fortnite OG





OG is back, and so are the old challenges.


When Fortnite OG returned to the game, millions of people were eager to play and experience the Battle Royale’s early days, which meant new challenges. that comes with old changes The first thing you need to do is dance near the trophy fish in Greasy Grove, Retail Row, and Lonely Lodge.


Where to dance near Trophy Fish in Greasy Grove, Retail Row, Lonely Lodge – Fortnite

You’ll know you’re on the right trophy. Because there will be a silver light shining from them in the game. Find one that glows and dance in front of it.

Greasy Grove Fish Trophy Location

Greasy Grove Fish Trophy Location

Source: Shacknews

You can find Greasy Grove fish trophies in hunting and fishing supply stores. On the wall next to the register to the left as you walk in the front door.

Retail location for fish trophies

Retail fish trophy stand
Source: Shacknews

Retail line fish trophies can be found in the town’s hunting shop in the northeastern corner. with a large fish in front That big fish was truly a trophy. So dance before it carefully. Lest other players take advantage and attack you.

Lonely Lodge fish trophy location

Lonely Lodge Fish Trophy

Source: Shacknews

Lonely Lodge fish trophies can be found within the lodge itself. Walk into the large wooden building and head to the back wall. You’ll find it next to a number of magazine racks.

Don’t forget to check out our fortnite page for more helpful tips.

Contributors edit recommendations

Aidan is from Ireland. Conditioned by the local weather conditions to be able to survive for hours using his PC to crush whatever game offered the lowest possible item drop rate. He thinks the easiest way to determine what fans want to read is to just be a fan of the game. You can usually find him logged into Warframe, Destiny, or any gacha game. You can contact him via X. @scannerbarkly


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