Liberal comedian Bill Maher considers diversity efforts Equality And inclusion (DEI) is considered meaningless virtue signaling by the left. It does nothing to address racial divisions or inequality in the United States.
In a new episode of the “Club Random” podcast released Sunday. Maher was joined by late night icon Jay Leno as the pair discussed pushing DEI efforts across institutions and organizations. Across the United States
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Maher said that “virtue signaling and the things they do to make themselves feel better in the alliance” are a distraction from addressing the root of the problem.
“You want to be a good partner. Solve actual problems any racial problems In this country it is not addressed by DEI and there are such projects,” he pointedly said.
Maher says the solution comes down to three things.
“Better schools. Don’t graduate kids who know nothing and have no skills,” he said. “More and more fathers and the war on drugs These are practical things. And that’s not what they’re interested in.”
Maher frequently uses his podcast to speak out against leftist woke culture. Last year he announced that “We’ve come to this place where you can’t get close to any one topic. Without a group of people following you.”
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To make a sober assessment of why the Democratic Party lost after the November election. Maher told his audience, “Make no mistake, this election has a lot to do with what I’m saying here. And lost a lot of fans who have spoken over the years. That this country has enough common sense against common sense—“
in June Maher said there was. “Weaponization” for white guilt and attempts to exaggerate racism in America. As he debated the issue with liberal journalist Kara Swisher on his podcast.
DEI programs have become an important area of investment in recent years. But their true effectiveness is still a matter of debate. with many wondering if they might be worsening tensions rather than easing them.
Put pressure on private companies to Abandon DEI commitments It’s made significant changes that critics have decried as discriminatory and inefficient, with Walmart, Nissan and American Airlines recently joining the list of major companies. is growing to stop so-called “woke” initiatives by other companies. Expected to comply
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