How to get Hex Syndicate Standing and rank in Warframe

How to get Hex Syndicate Standing and rank in Warframe

If you want to help new friends You will have to put in the work.

If you want access to all the goodies the Hex Syndicate has to offer, you’ll need to earn Standing status with them and level up. In order to be able to do this You’ll dive into the open world of Hollvania and start working towards the bounty. But there’s another glitch that you’ll need to fix as well.

How to get Hex Syndicate Standing and rank in Warframe

Hex treasure in Warframe
Source: Shacknews

To get Hex Syndicate Standing, you need to look for items called Hex Treasures while playing through Bounties. Hex Treasures are a favorite item of many Hex Syndicate members and can be found all over the map. Each mission type should have eight.

  • Big Bite Pizza
  • Argon Burger Food
  • 35mm film
  • Cheddar Crown Cereal
  • Crystal mood
  • Chill out with Sixpack
  • cd online
  • cartoon lady

Argon Burger food in Warframe
Source: Shacknews

They’re actually quite easy to spot because of their bright green borders. Make them stand out from their surroundings. Each time you choose You will be notified of the amount remaining on the map. Once you’ve collected some, pay Lettie a visit, which you can exchange for Standing. Remember, how many Standings you can earn in a day depends on your Mastery Rank. So when you reach your limit. You will have to wait until the daily reset to earn more.

When you have enough to level up You can visit Arthur and sacrifice whatever resources he is looking for to be able to advance to the next level of standing. Each new level unlocks new items that you can purchase from each Hex member in Hollvania Mall.

Want more helpful advice? Please check out our Warframe page.

Contributors edit recommendations

Aidan, from Ireland, had to deal with the local weather conditions in order to survive for hours using his PC to crush whatever game offered the lowest possible item drop rate. He thinks the easiest way to determine what fans want to read is to just be a fan of the game. You can usually find him logged into Warframe, Destiny, or any gacha game. You can contact him via X. @scannerbarkly

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