January’s must-see games and other top stories

January’s must-see games and other top stories

Image for the article titled January's Must-See Game Releases Surprising Steam Horror Games and Other Top Stories of the Week

pictureNintendo / Jump Over the Age / Yellow Brick Game / KotakuApple/KotakuArrowhead Game StudioRocksteady StudioNintendo/Kotakugame sciencescreenshotIhastusTES renewal projectTrampoline TalesphotographSopha’s pictureGetty Images

Last week marked the end of 2024, the arrival of 2025, and perhaps a predictably slow start to the usually unrelenting video game news cycle. But slow news hardly means no news at all. And we started the new year by watching some games. Also worth watching this month is the Chief Creative Officer of Arrowhead, the studio behind it. Helldiver 2Mention “DEI” in-game in online exchanges. Developer of Black Legend: Wukong Hints at why last year’s blockbusters still haven’t made their way to Xbox, and the people behind the amazing fan remakes. The Elder Scrolls IV: Forgiveness using Skyrim engine announced that we can expect big projects to launch this year. Read on for these stories and more.

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