
20 amazing indie games to slam on your wishlist


Five indie game screenshots Slice and stitch together to create one crazy picture.

pictureDouble Barrel Games / 6side Studio / Moonsaurus Games / VEA Games / Z. Bill / Kotaku

Once upon a time the United States enjoyed a holiday called “Thanksgiving” However, as time passed When cultures change and countries change. It eventually evolved into the day of celebration we all know and love. That’s right, Thanksgaming! It’s a day when everyone in America and around the world comes together to celebrate unheralded indie games.


as it has become annually tradition on KotakuWe called up indie game developers to tell us about their upcoming games or recently released games that no one was keeping an eye on. So we can highlight those games on this huge platform while gaming news is taking a day off from doing all the nonsense with the turkey.


As always, our inclusion of these games here is not an opinion on their quality. unless otherwise specified We didn’t play those games. But these are randomly* selected from Hundreds of the emails we receive (actually over 400 to give you an idea of ​​how many games there are) to highlight the extraordinary variety and possibilities available in the wide world of independent games.

If you want to support these developers and their projects. There are many things you can do. Add to your Wishlist Make a real difference It helps developers get both algorithms and financial interests Not to mention that it reminds you to buy when it comes out. Telling others is a big deal too! Invite your favorite YouTubers to give it a try. Force your grandparents to play the demo, carving the game’s URL into the nearest mountainside.


Okay, are you ready? Yes, this is a slideshow. Calm down, this is how I can avoid doing these articles. So we’re all just accepting it. Also, if you narrow your browser to portrait or read on a phone, The slide will be deleted.


*I used a little curation with what was recommended, but it was very little.


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