
Major airlines are bringing Magnolia Bakery’s popular banana pudding to passengers on select flights.



United Airlines has teamed up with Magnolia Bakery in New York City to bring you banana pudding that “World famous” rose to the sky


Magnolia’s “Banana Pudding Wafer Cookie Bits” are now available on select United First flights traveling more than 901 miles, according to a joint press release.


“As a traveler and avid baker, I know how food plays an important role in your trip. Which is why I am so excited to bring this innovative product to thousands of adventurers each year,” said Bobbie Lloyd, Magnolia Bakery CEO and Chief Baking Officer, in a news release.

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The dessert is served frozen until thawed in a 3-ounce cup made from real bananas.

United Airlines Magnolia Bakery joins forces

United will serve Magnolia Bakery’s banana pudding on select United First flights within 901 miles. (Magnolia Bakery/United Airlines)

“The only thing more unique than Magnolia Bakery’s Banana Pudding is enjoying it at 30,000 feet in United First. We know our customers will love it,” said Aaron McMillan, United’s managing director of Hospitality Programs, according to the release.

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McMillan added: “We are changing the way travelers eat and drink on board. We offer a wider and more enhanced range of options with partners like Magnolia.”

Magnolia Bakery opened a store in LaGuardia Airport (not pictured) in August.

Magnolia Bakery opened a store in LaGuardia Airport (not pictured) in August. (Photo Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty)

The partnership comes as Magnolia Bakery expands its “a New York treat to an anywhere eaten” campaign.

in august The bakery has opened a location within LaGuardia Airport, located in Terminal C.

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United Airlines Magnolia Bakery Split

United Airlines has announced a partnership with Magnolia Bakery in New York City. By bringing banana pudding that “World Famous” launches on select United First flights over 901 miles (iStock/United Airlines Magnolia Bakery)

United isn’t the only airline taking popular foods to the skies.

Delta Airlines recently partnered with Shake Shack to serve burgers to first class passengers.

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United Airlines plane

United Airlines has announced a partnership with New York City bakery Magnolia Bakery, bringing banana pudding to select United First flights over 901 miles. (Istock)

Shake Shack meals are only available to First Class passengers flying out of Boston. The offer will eventually expand to other cities, Fox News Digital reports.


Fox News Digital has reached out to Magnolia Bakery and United Airlines for further comment.


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