
Day 19 of the Space Telescope Advent Calendar 2024: Signs in the Clouds



Day 19 of the Space Telescope Advent Calendar 2024



Bright, young stars within the nebula resemble colorful clouds. The star is the brightest point. Occupies the right side of the picture. It is surrounded by 6 large spokes of light that run across the image.
ESA / Webb, NASA and CSA, O. Nayak, M. Meixner

Day 19 of the 2024 Space Telescope Advent Calendar: A Beacon in the Clouds Image from the James Space Telescope. The Webb features bright H II regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud. which is a satellite galaxy of our Milky Way This nebula, called N79, is a region of ionized interstellar atomic hydrogen. Spotted by the Webb’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), N79 is a large cluster of stars about 1,630 light-years in diameter. This image focuses on one of three giant molecular clouds known as N79 in the south.

View the full Advent calendar here. A new photo will be revealed every day until December 25th.



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